
One stop. Accounting for everything! Whether you are starting a business, buying or selling a business, or winding down a business, Pitre James & Co can help. The following is a sample of the services we offer. Not sure if we can help? Contact us for a free consultation.

Corporate Accounting and Bookkeeping

Timely and accurate financial statements are a key component to any successful business. Good financial statements can assist you in understanding your business and making decisions. Pitre James & Co Chartered Accountants will help you prepare financial statements in a manner that communicates the information that you need to help you make better decisions. We take the time to meet with you face-to-face to ensure you understand the information in your financial statements and what they mean to you going forward.

Some services we can assist with:


At Pitre James & Co we aim to reduce and/or defer the total taxes you and your family pay. The objective of our integrated tax services is to implement tax minimization strategies that are tailored to fit with your specific situation and needs. Reducing corporate and personal taxes requires thoughtful planning and consideration. Our goal is to understand the whole picture and create a plan that fits your current and long term goals.

We can help with:

Representation with Canada Revenue Agency

Provided individuals and corporations file their returns and make the required payments on time, it is less likely they will be selected for an audit. With that in mind it is our goal to help ensure you and/or your corporation file any and all required tax filings accurately and on time.

However if you do find yourself on the receiving end of a CRA audit we can help. Our experience with CRA audits and our knowledge of the Income Tax Act ensures we communicate with CRA effectively and appropriately to obtain the best possible result for you.

We offer free consultations for new clients, so please don't hesitate to call and discuss your situation with a professional before you respond to CRA.

Lawyer Integration

Depending on the nature of the work, it is sometimes necessary to confirm information and discuss tax planning strategies with the other professionals that work with you. In these instances, with your permission, we will work directly with your advisors to help reduce overlap and ensure the planning we implement does not contradict other aspects of your tax or estate planning.

While we are happy to work with the professionals you have surrounded yourself with we also offer a service unique to Pitre James & Co. Situated at 1593 Ellis Street, Pitre James & Co shares office space with Business Law Group and its founder Mathew Dober, BA, LLB, MBA. Together we are able to provide high quality accounting and legal services under one roof.

We believe the integration of these services provides our clients with a high quality and convenient option. Imagine being able to meet with your lawyer and accountant under one roof and feeling confident that they are working in sync with each other to ensure your best interests are met.

(778) 484-5401